Tuesday 6 May 2014

South African Conceptual Design

Pavilion of SA

Extracted from: http://www.modernism.ro/

In this piece the issues being addressed is the fact that domestic workers and soldiers are viewed as stationary jobs with no ambitions and individuality. They are just merely there to follow orders. It addresses status quo and poverty because these job titles are known to be taken up as a last resort in terms of desperation. The idea here is to view them as Art and elegance as their dress code is being exaggerated but also symbolises unity and beauty in what we take for granted. Taking the dullness in their dress code and presenting it as elegance and order but also represents them as what people take for granted, it is almost dehumanising according to status quo.

Deconstructed Sculptures

Extracted from: http://blog.wanken.com/12711/deconstructed-sculptures-by-regardt-van-der-meulen/

Regardt van der Meulen is the artist of these sculptures. He lives in Johannesburg. In these series of sculptures titled "Drip" represents the Human Body and which depicts that the strength and fragility lies at the core of the body and thus exposes the illusion of safety in society. What is being said is that in concerns of the physical human body which in society represents what is your identity and capabilities based on appearances which is not true. What you look like on the outside is not what you are, what counts is your core, which means what kind of person you are mentally or on the inside. Your strengths are determined by what you can endure in life and how you prevail from them. What these sculptures show is that the outside doesn't matter it is what lies inside of you!

SANCA: drinking during pregnancy

Extracted from: http://adsoftheworld.com

The SANCA campaign displays characters laying in the foetal position which addresses drinking during pregnancy. Viewers are made aware of while drinking during pregnancy might not affect newborns immediately but will manifest later in life. They will enter a life of crime, abuse, addictions and neglect. This will also contribute to low self-esteem. This campaign depicts what happens in poverty stricken communities and affects a lot of people as they are discouraged to succeed in life as they can't do certain things due to their living standards and backgrounds such as alcohol abuse in families.

Status Quo

The Status quo is over-rated and should be made possible for everybody to achieve. In conceptual design it displays exactly that by challenging the status quo of society and allow audiences to view life differently. Commercial design promotes the status quo and enforces ideas psychologically as a programmer would do on a computer. Thus making the audience desire things that is unnecessary in their life's and it has no value.