Tuesday 5 August 2014

Thematising the ugly side of sublime technological development in Sonzero's pulse.

Lyotard's definition of postmodern: It is understood that it advances the idea that there has occurred a discrediting of grand narratives of modernity which organised knowledge in the interest of the future attainment of either the universal emancipation of humanity or incredulity towards meta narratives that per vales post modernity to the spread of capitalism and concomitant development of technoscience.

Technoscience is the spread of capitalism through technology by dehumanizing humanity by the use of PDa's, computers and phones which distracts humans from "psychic life" mental thoughts. Such in Sonzero's pulse which suggests that ghost posses technology such as phones and when humans interact with them they create depression in their lives and thus creating suicide. Capitalism and technoscience severed traditional values and social bonds. Technoscience has become 'autonomous', which it is in no longer in service of humanity, it now functions as an 'inhuman' organizing framework for society. "Capitalist technoscience" effects the reduction of human beings to a technical product by dehumanizing it in the drive for ultimate efficiency

In conclusion Postmodern cinema, the mainstream and cultural products placate individuals by stating the status-quo by co-opting them. The status-quo is to encourage humans the indulge in the technological development which dehumanizes them. it also protects the consciousness from doubt. 

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