Saturday 15 March 2014

Contemporary Brands


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The Jay Jays brand is appealing through the freedom of choice in fashion , the design of the clothing is original and allows various customers with different taste to shop to shop at their stores because of the variations in design. The design of clothing and the art is modern and well organized as it displays unity and a more urbanized design. The retro design of the store compliments its products and thus modernizing shopping and fashion for the youth.

The corporate philosophy is that freedom of expression is king by bringing the coolest fashion so that you can be who you are. The mission and vision is for the young at heart, wild and bold, where their style is not just a choice it is a culture. The store is a one of a kind fashion retailer in South Africa. Everything that you need to be the swankiest kid on the block is at Jay Jays and is easy on the pocket.

Personally I wouldn't change their strategy because they stand for freedom of expression which could influence my own branding. Their motto also appeals to the youth but they could also create more inventory for older generations.

Loxion Kulture

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The design of this brand appeals more to South African culture of townships. It is all about making a statement about society and about dress sense. The brand is about cultural identity and expression but it can also be a way of resisting oppression.

Loxion Kulture's project is all about the creation and recreation of style, through street fashion in particular. Critics and youth often overlook the role style plays in society rebellion and identity formation. Style is a sense of masking oneself and expressing one's dreams and how it can be utilized as a tool and social coherence. (N.Ntsoma)

The brand strategy targets only youth in townships which could change to appealing more to all areas and various cultures by enforcing the concept of being proudly South African. What influences me the most is that the design symbolizes expression and cultural identity but also resists oppression.


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Zara is a Spanish brand of clothing. It is one of the major selling brand of one of the biggest fashion retailer Inditex which is a huge fashion retailer owning eight brands. Zara appeals to all countries and is no hindrance to a shared fashion culture. The design is elegant and yet casual. It is a fashion that deals with customer's self-esteem by boosting it through fashion that shows confidence and independence.

Zara is in tune with its customers which helps give it shape to the ideas, trends and taste developing in the world. The philosophy is that its success is among a wide range of people who all share a special fondness for fashion. The design is closely linked to customers. A non-stop flow of information from stores convey's shopper's desires and demands.

The strategy of there design appeals to all cultures and various generations. This strategy is a major influence because its not subjected to only one market. However what should change is their outlook on shoppers which generalizes that all shoppers share similar fondness in fashion.

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