Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Importance of a Manifesto

A must read Manifesto !

First Things First Manifesto 2000

Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

The First things first Manifesto 2000, it is quite appealing for designers and address the issue of being a designer means to manipulate consumers into buying unnecessary products which consumers do not need but as designers we make it appealing. This issue is to be reversed and designers should use their skills for a good cause as stated in the manifesto. I personally advice every graphic designer to read this Manifesto.

Incomplete Manifesto for growth - this Manifesto is a great guideline to self - actualisation and also in living truthful for yourself. What I learned from this manifesto is how to direct my life towards my own happiness and living with no regret. If you are finding it hard to figure yourself out or just change the way you do things to better yourself this manifesto is a must read.

Manifestos of Interest

1000 words: A Manifesto for sustainability in Design

Why this manifesto? Because of its informal and it also serves as a guideline for designers to sustain their quality in designs and execution. It relates to Manifesto of growth.

A manifesto for creative professional

This Manifesto tells Designers how to treat clients and how to set a mentality which assure the success of the design and the success of the client. This manifesto is a good basis on how to enter into freelance and dealing with clients.

Importance of formulating a Manifesto

A manifesto is a verbal declaration of motives, views or intensions of the owner whether it is an individual, group or government. They are political or artistic in nature.( 

Why they are important is because it declares the vision and mission of the author, group or government. The manifesto declares what you stand for and what you want to achieve or change in this world or line of work, in fact it could be based on anything considering whether it is for personal use, for a group or corporation. Once it is formulated it is used as the guidelines for your goals and as well as not to drift away from what must be achieved, in a way it is a reminder of where you want to be as well as being motivation for a better cause. It can be clear or conspicuous. A manifesto is a good way to declare beliefs, opinions, public consensus, visions and mission which could change the way people think.

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